Last modified: Sat Aug 21 09:32:58 1999.
NAME: ADD_HEADER PURPOSE: addition information from FITS-headers MPFS-frames DESCRIPTION: The function computes the total exposure, mean value zenit distance and modified FITS header CALLING SEQUENCE: Result =ADD_HEADER( headers ) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: Headers = String array FITS-headers from the MPFS data OUTPUTS: Header = String array containing the header from the FITS file. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Procedures: SXADDPAR,SXADDHIST MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: CHECK_FITS PURPOSE: Given a FITS array IM, and a associated FITS or STSDAS header HDR, this procedure will check that (1) HDR is a string array, and IM is defined and numeric (2) The NAXISi values in HDR are appropiate to the dimensions of IM (3) The BITPIX value in HDR is appropiate to the datatype of IM If HDR contains a DATATYPE keyword (as in STSDAS files), then this is also checked against the datatype of of IM If the UPDATE keyword is present, then FITS header will be modified, if necessary, to force agreement with the image array CALLING SEQUENCE: check_FITS, im, hdr, [ dimen, idltype, /UPDATE, /NOTYPE, /SDAS ] INPUTS: IM - FITS or STSDAS array, (e.g. as read by SXREAD or READFITS ) HDR - FITS or STSDAS header (string array) associated with IM OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: dimen - vector containing actual array dimensions idltype- data type of the FITS array as specified in the IDL SIZE function (1 for BYTE, 2 for INTEGER*2, 3 for INTEGER*4, etc.) OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: /NOTYPE - If this keyword is set, then only agreement of the array dimensions with the FITS header are checked, and not the data type. /UPDATE - If this keyword is set then the BITPIX, NAXIS and DATATYPE FITS keywords will be updated to agree with the array /SDAS - If this keyword is set then the header is assumed to be from an SDAS (.hhh) file. CHECK_FITS will then ensure that (1) a DATATYPE keyword is included in the header and (2) BITPIX is always written with positive values. /FITS - If this keyword is present then CHECK_FITS assumes that it is dealing with a FITS header and not an SDAS header, see notes below. SYSTEM VARIBLE: If there is a fatal problem with the FITS array or header then !ERR is set to -1. ( If the UPDATE keyword was supplied, and the header could be fixed then !ERR = 0.) PROCEDURE: Program checks the NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 parameters in the header to see if they match the image array dimensions. NOTES: An important distinction between an STSDAS header and a FITS header is that the BITPIX value in an STSDAS is always positive, e.g. BITPIX=32 for REAL*4 data. Users should use either the /SDAS or the /FITS keyword if it is important whether the STSDAS or FITS convention for REAL*4 data is used. Otherwise, CHECK_FITS assumes that if a DATATYPE keyword is present then it is dealing with an STSDAS header. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, December 1991 W. Landsman Hughes/STX to replace CHKIMHD No error returned if NAXIS=0 and IM is a scalar W. Landsman Feb 93 Fixed bug for REAL*8 STSDAS data W. Landsman July 93 Make sure NAXIS agrees with NAXISi W. Landsman October 93
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\CHECK_FI.PRO)
NAME: CONV_VAX_UNIX PURPOSE: To convert VAX IDL data types to UNIX (Sun,MIPS,etc.) IDL data types. The architecture is obtained from IDL sys.var. !VERSION.ARCH. (Derived from the IUE procedure VAX2SUN) CALLING SEQUENCE: var_unix = conv_vax_unix( var_vax ) PARAMETERS: variable (REQ) (IO) (BIFDC) (012) The data variable to be converted. This may be a scalar or an array. All IDL datatypes are valid (including structures). The result of the conversion is returned by the function. KEYWORD: TARGET_ARCH = name (string) of desired target architecture if using this function on a VAX. otherwise !VERSION.ARCH is used to determine the conversion. EXAMPLE: Read a 100 by 100 matrix of floating point numbers from a data file created on a VAX. Then convert the matrix values into Sun format. IDL> openr,1,'vax_float.dat' IDL> data = fltarr(100,100) IDL> readu,1,data IDL> data = conv_vax_unix( data ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written F. Varosi August 1990 Modified P. Keegstra April 1992 Implemented MIPSEL architecture
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\CONV_VAX.PRO)
NAME: CORRSENT PURPOSE: correction spectral sensitivity DESCRIPTION: The function computes the absolute spectral distribution in reduced 2-dimensional array MPFS-spectra in erg/cm^2/sec/A. Routine read vector spectral sensitivity from disk in working directory with standard name 'sent.fts', sky-substraction linearised spectra (filename='*-sky.fts', where image_type='*') and modified FITS header CALLING SEQUENCE: CORRSENT, LOG,file_name,PLOT=plot CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOG = String scalarfile name of FITS-header from the LOG observation MPFS data image_type= string scalar ( value 'obj' or 'test' OUTPUTS: Saved in working directory in file '*_abs.fts' OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: PLOT - if present then plotted spectra central part lens array to display, else save plot to POSTSCRIPT file in working directory with name '*.ps' RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Function : DEF_WDIR,READ_FTS,SXPAR,OS_FAMILY MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: COSIN_APOD PURPOSE: Apodize a 1-D data set with a cosine apodizing function. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = COSIN_APOD(N,P) INPUTS: N = number of points of the data set. OPTIONAL INPUTS: P = dimension of the cosine function, in percentage of N. Default is 10 %. OUTPUT: Result = a cosine window function. KEYWORDS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: The two edges of the output array are multiplied by a cosine function. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Roberto Luis Molowny Horas, January 1994.
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: COSMETIC PURPOSE: replace bad column in CCD-frame DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=COSMETIC(image_in,bad_column) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: image_in = 2-dimensional float array CCD-frame MPFS-data bad_column = 1-dimensional integer array value bad column OUTPUTS: Result = 2-dimensional float array OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: no MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: CREA_DISPER PURPOSE: Identefication comparison spectra & creation array coefficient dispersion curve DESCRIPTION: The routine compare position lines in 2D-array comparison MPFS-spectrum (from file 'neon_s.fts') with tabulated wavelength from file 'LINES.TAB', and create after 2-dimensional polynomial approximation array dispersion coefficients CALLING SEQUENCE: CREA_DISPER,LOGFILE,FWHM,N_deg,PLOT=plot CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOG = String scalar of file name FITS-header from the LOG observation FWHM = width spectral lines in px N_deg = degree of 2D-polynomial approximation dispersion curve OUTPUTS: 2-dimensional ( N_deg+1) x N_spectra float array coefficient dispersion curve, saved to the disk in working directory with standard name 'disper.fts' and print in file 'disper.txt'. Last value in every string is rms approximation i px OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: PLOT - if present 2-d errors of approximation plotted to display, else save plot to POSTSCRIPT file in working directory with name '' RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Function : DEF_WDIR,DEF_RDIR,DEF_NAME,READ_FTS,INP_WAVE Procedures: CRSPROD,GOODPOLY MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: CREA_TRA PURPOSE: creation traectory for every spectra DESCRIPTION: Routine interpolated traectory etalon spectra from file 'eta_tra.fts' in working directory in position every fiber. Routine used table position etalon fiber from file 'ETALON.POS' and spectra fiber (file 'FIBER.POS'). Result save in file 'fib_tra.fts' CALLING SEQUENCE: CREA_TRA, LOGFILE CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) OUTPUTS: saved in file 'fib_tra.fts' OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Function : DEF_WDIR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: CROSS_NORM CLASS: cross-correlation CATEGORY: PURPOSE: To compute a cross correlation for two spectral segments which are sampled on the same linear or log(lambda) scale,normalised at dispersion CALLING SEQUENCE: result=CROSS_NORM(FFIR,FSEC,NSPR) PARAMETERS: FFIR (REQ) (I) (1) (F) Required input vector giving the flux data for the first spectrum. FSEC (REQ) (I) (1) (F) Required input vector giving the flux data for the second spectrum. NSPR (REQ) (I) (0) (F) Required input parameter specifying the spectral range to be considered in the cross-correlation function. EXAMPLES: To compute the cross-correlation function for two spectra, FIRST and SECOND, using the recommended initial spectral range from CRSCOR, result=CROSS_NORM(FIRST,SECOND) SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: INTERACTIVE INPUT: SUBROUTINES CALLED: PARCHECK FILES USED: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: NOTES: Assumes same number of elements in both spectra. (Both fluxes are divided by the number of elements in the first spectrum.) PROCEDURE: CROSS is determined for (2*nspr + 1) tags or shifts going from -15 to +15 shifts from the starting locations. After subtracting the average flux from each spectrum, the cross correlation function is computed as follows for each point in the spectra, TEMP = (second spectrum) * SHIFT(first spectrum,ns) CROSS(L) = TOTAL(TEMP(ls:us)/nele) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25 Jun 1991 PJL cleaned up; added PARCHECK and parameter eq 0 print; tested on SUN and VAX; updated prolog
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\CROSS_N.PRO)
NAME: CRSPROD CLASS: cross-correlation CATEGORY: PURPOSE: To compute a normalized cross correlation for two spectral segments which are sampled on the same linear or log(lambda) scale. CALLING SEQUENCE: CRSPROD,FFIR,FSEC,NSPR,CROSS,CRMIN,CRMAX PARAMETERS: FFIR (REQ) (I) (1) (F) Required input vector giving the flux data for the first spectrum. FSEC (REQ) (I) (1) (F) Required input vector giving the flux data for the second spectrum. NSPR (REQ) (I) (0) (F) Required input parameter specifying the spectral range to be considered in the cross-correlation function. CROSS (REQ) (O) (1) (F) Required output vector containing the cross-correlation function. CRMIN (REQ) (O) (0) (F) Required output vector containing the minimum of the cross-correlation function. CRMAX (REQ) (O) Required output vector containing the maximum of the cross-correlation function. EXAMPLES: To compute the cross-correlation function for two spectra, FIRST and SECOND, using the recommended initial spectral range from CRSCOR, CRSPROD,FIRST,SECOND,15,CROSS,CRMIN,CRMAX SYSTEM VARIABLES USED: INTERACTIVE INPUT: SUBROUTINES CALLED: PARCHECK FILES USED: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: NOTES: Assumes same number of elements in both spectra. (Both fluxes are divided by the number of elements in the first spectrum.) PROCEDURE: CROSS is determined for (2*nspr + 1) tags or shifts going from -15 to +15 shifts from the starting locations. After subtracting the average flux from each spectrum, the cross correlation function is computed as follows for each point in the spectra, TEMP = (second spectrum) * SHIFT(first spectrum,ns) CROSS(L) = TOTAL(TEMP(ls:us)/nele) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25 Jun 1991 PJL cleaned up; added PARCHECK and parameter eq 0 print; tested on SUN and VAX; updated prolog
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: CUBE_CLE PURPOSE: cleaning cosmic hits in data cube DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CUBE_CLE( image, tresh ) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: image - cube of data in 2D-view : array Nz x (Nx*Ny) elements for cleaning tresh - level discrimination data in sigma (typical value 10) OUTPUTS: Result - cleaned cube OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: DATATYPE PURPOSE: Datatype of variable as a string (3 char or spelled out). CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: typ = datatype(var, [flag]) INPUTS: var = variable to examine. in flag = output format flag (def=0). in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: /DESCRIPTOR returns a descriptor for the given variable. If the variable is a scalar the value is returned as a string. If it is an array a description is return just like the HELP command gives. Ex: datatype(fltarr(2,3,5),/desc) gives FLTARR(2,3,5) (flag always defaults to 3 for /DESC). OUTPUTS: typ = datatype string or number. out flag=0 flag=1 flag=2 flag=3 UND Undefined 0 UND BYT Byte 1 BYT INT Integer 2 INT LON Long 3 LON FLO Float 4 FLT DOU Double 5 DBL COM Complex 6 COMPLEX STR String 7 STR STC Structure 8 STC DCO DComplex 9 DCOMPLEX COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by R. Sterner, 24 Oct, 1985. RES 29 June, 1988 --- added spelled out TYPE. R. Sterner, 13 Dec 1990 --- Added strings and structures. R. Sterner, 19 Jun, 1991 --- Added format 3. R. Sterner, 18 Mar, 1993 --- Added /DESCRIPTOR. R. Sterner, 1995 Jul 24 --- Added DCOMPLEX for data type 9. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\DATATYPE.PRO)
NAME: DEF_NAME PURPOSE: definition filename of different type exposure MPFS-data DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=DEF_NAME(FILELOG,TYPE_EXP,N_EXP) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) TYPE_EXP = string scalar type exposure (values: 'bias','obj','star','flat', 'eta','star','test') OUTPUTS: Result = string scalar filename for reading (without extention) OPTIONAL OUTPUT: N_exp - number exposures with every value TYPE_EXP OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: SXPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: DEF_RDIR PURPOSE: DEFINIRION DIRECTORY FOR READING DATA FROM LOG FILE DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=DEF_RDIR(FILELOG) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) OUTPUTS: Result = string scalar name directory for reading OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: SXPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: DEF_SENT PURPOSE: definition spectral sensitivity DESCRIPTION: routine used linearised MPFS-spectra of standard star (filename in working directory 'star_lin.fts'), information from FITS-header about total exposure, gain CCD, mean value zenit distance for calculation observed flux. Observed flux compare with absolute energy distribution star. Routine used ASCII data files for the Oke (AJ,99, 1621, 1990) optical spectrophotometric standard stars CALLING SEQUENCE: DEF_SENT, LOGFILE, PLOT=plot CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) OUTPUTS: in working directory saved 1-dimensional float array spectral sensitivity in erg/cm^2/sec/A per ADU (standard filename 'sent.fts'); OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: PLOT - if present the curve DQE plotted to display, else save plot to POSTSCRIPT file in working directory with name '' RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no; PROCEDURES USED: Function : DEF_WDIR,NAME_TAB,READ_FTS,INP_WAVE,OS_FAMILY Procedures: SXPAR,SXADDPAR,MKHDR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: DEF_SHIFT PURPOSE: definition shift between two image in any direction DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = DEF_SHIFT ( image1, image2, coord, c, w) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS : image1 and image2 - images to be shifted coord - string scalar define shift direction (value 'x' or 'y') c - magnification for calculation cross-correlation w - width band integration in cross-shift direction OUTPUTS: Result = float scalar OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: CRSPROD MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\DEF_SHI.PRO)
NAME: DEF_WDIR PURPOSE: DEFINIRION DIRECTORY FOR WRITING DATA DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=DEF_WDIR(FILELOG) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) OUTPUTS: Result = string scalar name directory for writing OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: SXPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: EXTRACT PURPOSE: extraction spectra in frame MPFS-image DESCRIPTION: Routine extracted spectra in MFPS-frame in file with standard name '*_n.fts' ('*'=image_type) along traectory from file with standard name 'fib_tra.fts', for obj-fibers, and along traectory etalon (from file 'eta_tra.fts' for sky Routine modified FITS-header CALLING SEQUENCE: EXTRACT, LOGFILE, fwhm, image_type CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) fwhm = width band of spectra image_type = string scalar type exposure (values: 'obj','star','eta', 'neon','test') OUTPUTS: Result - array float point spectra saved to disk in working directory with standard name '*_s.fts'. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: DEF_WDIR,SXADDPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: FDECOMP PURPOSE: Routine to decompose a file name for any operating system CALLING SEQENCE: FDECOMP, filename, disk, dir, name, qual, version, [OSFamily = ] INPUT: filename - string file name, scalar OUTPUTS: All the output parameters are scalar strings disk - disk name, always '' on a Unix machine, scalar string dir - directory name, scalar string name - file name, scalar string qual - qualifier, set equal to the characters beyond the last "." version - version number, always '' on a non-VMS machine, scalar string OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: OSFamily - one of the four scalar strings specifying the operating system: 'vms','windows','MacOS' or 'unix'. If not supplied, then OS_FAMILY() is used to determine the operating system. EXAMPLES: Consider the following file names Unix: file = '/rsi/idl40/' VMS: file = '$1$dua5:[rsi.idl40];3 Mac: file = 'Macintosh' Windows: file = 'd:\rsi\idl40\' then IDL> FDECOMP, file, disk, dir, name, qual, version will return the following Disk Dir Name Qual Version Unix: '' '/rsi/idl40/' 'avg' 'pro' '' VMS: '$1$dua5' '[RSI.IDL40]' 'avg' 'pro' '3' Mac: 'Macintosh HD' ':Programs:' 'avg' 'pro' '' Windows: 'd:' \rsi\idl40\ 'avg' 'pro' '' NOTES: (1) All tokens are removed between 1) name and qual (i.e period is removed) 2) qual and ver (i.e. VMS semicolon is removed) (2) On VMS the filenames "MOTD" and "MOTD." are distinguished by the fact that qual = '' for the former and qual = ' ' for the latter. ROUTINES CALLED: Function GETTOK(), OS_FAMILY() Users with V4.0 or later can replace OS_FAMILY() with !VERSION.OS_FAMILY HISTORY version 1 D. Lindler Oct 1986 Include VMS DECNET machine name in disk W. Landsman HSTX Feb. 94 Converted to Mac IDL, I. Freedman HSTX March 1994
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\FDECOMP.PRO)
NAME: FIND_ETA PURPOSE: Find and creation traectory spectra etalon fibers DESCRIPTION: Routine find etalon spectra in MPFS-frame from file 'eta_n.fts' and create after polynomial approximation traectory etalon fibers CALLING SEQUENCE: FIND_ETA, LOGFILE, GAUSS=gauss, PLOT=plot CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOG = String scalar of file name FITS-header from the LOG observation OUTPUTS: Result saved to disk in working directory in files with standard names 'eta_tra.fts' - 2D float array traectory fibers 'eta_poly.txt' - table coefficient polynomyal approximation traectory OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: GAUSS - if present cross-dispersion profile fitted by gauss-function PLOT - if present 2-d errors of approximation plotted to display, else save plot to POSTSCRIPT file in working directory with name '' RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Function : DEF_WDIR,READ_FTS Procedures: FI_PEAK MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: FI_PEAK PURPOSE: Find peaks in a lineout CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data CALLING SEQUENCE: peak_find INPUTS: xpl: x array ypl: y array pkcut: cutoff value for determining peak KEYWORD PARAMETERS: no OUTPUTS: ipix: pixel location of peaks, array xpk: x location of peaks, array ypk: y location of peaks, array bkpk: background at peak locations, array COMMON BLOCKS: None SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: no MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: FLAT_REDUCTION PURPOSE: reduction MPFS-image at flat field DESCRIPTION: Routine read in working directory flat-field frame from file 'flat_i.fts' In flat-field frame extracted scattering ligth, end frame normalised Image with type '*' read from file '*_i.fts', and divided after scattering ligth by flat. Routine use for calculation scattering ligth file 'eta_tra.fts' CALLING SEQUENCE: FLAT_REDUCTION, LOGFILE, image_type CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) image_type = string scalar type exposure (values: 'obj','star','flat', 'eta','star','test'); OUTPUTS: Result saved to disk i working directory in file '*_n.fts' OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Function DEF_WDIR,READ_FTS, SCATTER Procedure SXADDPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: GETTOK PURPOSE: Function to retrieve the first part of the string until the character char is encountered. CALLING SEQUENCE: token = gettok( st, char ) INPUT: char - character separating tokens, scalar string INPUT-OUTPUT: st - (scalar) string to get token from (on output token is removed) OUTPUT: token - scalar string value is returned EXAMPLE: If ST is 'abc=999' then gettok(ST,'=') would return 'abc' and ST would be left as '999' HISTORY version 1 by D. Lindler APR,86 Remove leading blanks W. Landsman (from JKF) Aug. 1991
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\GETTOK.PRO)
NAME: GET_DATE PURPOSE: Return the current date in DD/MM/YY format. This is the format required by the DATE and DATE-OBS keywords in a FITS header CALLING SEQUENCE: GET_DATE, dte INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: dte = An eight character scalar string specifying the current day (0-31), current month (1-12), and last two digits of the current year EXAMPLE: Add the current date to the DATE keyword in a FITS header,h IDL> GET_DATE,dte IDL> sxaddpar, h, 'DATE', dte REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman March 1991
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\GET_DATE.PRO)
NAME: goodpoly PURPOSE: (one line) Robust fitting of a polynomial to data. DESCRIPTION: This is a multi-pass fitting routine that fits a fixed order polynomial to the input data. After each pass, the scatter of the fit relative to the fitted line is computed. Each point is examined to see if it falls beyond THRESH sigma from the line. If is does, it is removed from the data and the fit is tried again. This will make two attempts to remove bad data. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: coeff = goodpoly(x,y,order,thresh,yfit,newx,newy) INPUTS: x - Input dataset, independant values. y - Input dataset, dependant values. order - Order of the polynomial fit (linear = 1). thresh - Sigma threshold for removing outliers. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: yfit - Fitted values for y that match the input vector. newx - X values from input that were considered good. newy - Y values from input that were considered good. Return value is the set of polynomial coefficients. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 1991 Feb., Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory 93/11/12, MWB, Program fixed to return a computed y for all input x.
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: HOST_TO_IEEE PURPOSE: To translate an IDL variable from the host machine representation into IEEE-754 representation (as used, for example, in FITS data ). CALLING SEQUENCE: HOST_TO_IEEE, data, [ IDLTYPE = , ] INPUT-OUTPUT PARAMETERS: data - any IDL variable, scalar or vector. It will be modified by HOST_TO_IEEE to convert from host to IEEE representation. Byte and string variables are returned by HOST_TO_IEEE unchanged OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: IDLTYPE - scalar integer (1-7) specifying the IDL datatype according to the code given by the SIZE function. This keyword will usually be used when suppying a byte array that needs to be interpreted as another data type (e.g. FLOAT). EXAMPLE: Suppose FITARR is a 2880 element byte array to be converted to a FITS record and interpreted a FLOAT data. IDL> host_to_ieee, FITARR, IDLTYPE = 4 METHOD: The BYTEORDER procedure is called with the appropriate keywords RESTRICTION: Assumes the IDL version is since 2.2.2 when the /XDRTOF keyword became available to BYTEORDER. There were two bad implementations in BYTEORDER for double precision: (1) in IDL V3.* for DecStations (!VERSION.ARCH = 'mipsel') and (2) on Dec Alpha OSF machines. IEEE_TO_HOST works around these cases by swapping the byte order directly. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Adapted from CONV_UNIX_VAX, W. Landsman Hughes/STX January, 1992 Fixed Case statement for Float and Double September, 1992 Workaround for /DTOXDR on DecStations January, 1993 Workaround for /DTOXDR on Alpha OSF July 1994 Assume since Version 2.2.2, Ultrix problems persist November 1994 Add support for double complex July, 1995 Workaround for VAX VMS bug in BYTEORDER,/FTOXDR in V4.0 August 1995 Workaround for VMS bug in BYTEORDER,/FTOXDR and /DTOXDR in V4.0.1 (sigh...) W. Landsman August 1995 Workaround for /FTOXDR bug in OSF V4.0.1 September 1995
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\HOST_TO_.PRO)
NAME: IEEE_TO_HOST PURPOSE: To translate an IDL variable in IEEE-754 representation (as used, for example, in FITS data ), into the host machine architecture. CALLING SEQUENCE: IEEE_TO_HOST, data, [ IDLTYPE = , ] INPUT-OUTPUT PARAMETERS: data - any IDL variable, scalar or vector. It will be modified by IEEE_TO_HOST to convert from IEEE to host representation. Byte and string variables are returned by IEEE_TO_HOST unchanged OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: IDLTYPE - scalar integer (1-7) specifying the IDL datatype according to the code given by the SIZE function. This keyword is usually when DATA is a byte array to be interpreted as another datatype (e.g. FLOAT). EXAMPLE: A 2880 byte array (named FITARR) from a FITS record is to be interpreted as floating and converted to the host representaton: IDL> IEEE_TO_HOST, fitarr, IDLTYPE = 4 METHOD: The BYTEORDER procedure is called with the appropriate keyword RESTRICTION: Assumes the IDL version is since 2.2.2 when the /XDRTOF keyword became available to BYTEORDER. There were two bad implementations in BYTEORDER for double precision: (1) in IDL V3.* for DecStations (!VERSION.ARCH = 'mipsel') and (2) on Dec Alpha OSF machines. IEEE_TO_HOST works around these cases by swapping bytes directly MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman Hughes/STX May, 1992 Fixed error Case statement for float and double September 1992 Workaround to /XDRTOD problem on DecStations January 1993 Assume since Version 2.2, correct double precision problems in Alpha/OSF, implement Ultrix corrections from Tom McGlynn November 1994 Added support for double precision complex July 1995 Workaround for BYTEORDER, /FTOXDR bug in VAX VMS V4.0 August 1995
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\IEEE_TO_.PRO)
NAME: INP_WAVE PURPOSE: DEFINIRION CENTRAL WAVELENGTH AND DISPERSION FROM LOG FILE DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = INP_WAVE ( FILELOG ) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) OUTPUTS: Result = 2 element vector, were first element - central wavelength in A second - dprevius value dispersion in A/px OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: SXPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: IS_IEEE_BIG PURPOSE: Determine if the current machine is use IEEE, big-endian numbers. (This implies that byteorder conversions are no-ops). CALLING SEQUENCE: flag = is_ieee_big() INPUT PARAMETERS: None RETURNS: 1 if the machine appears to be IEEE-compliant, 0 if not. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: A sample int, long, float and double are converted using byteorder and compared with the original. If there is no change, the machine is assumed to be IEEE compliant and big-endian. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 15-April-1996 by T. McGlynn for use in MRDFITS.
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\IS_IEEE_.PRO)
NAME: LINEAR PURPOSE: linearisation spectra DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = LINEAR ( spectr, disper_par, N_lin, lambda_0, d_lambda) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: spectr = 2D array MPFS extracted spectra disper_par = 2D array polynomial coefficits dispersion curve for every fiber N_lin = numper ponts in linearised spectra lambda_0 = beginning wavelength in A linearised spectra d_lambda = dispersion in A/px linearised spectra OUTPUTS: Result = 2D array spectra OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: no MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: LINERISATION PURPOSE: linearisation spectra DESCRIPTION: Routine read extracted MPFS-spectra with type '*' from file '*_s.fts' in working directory and lineriarised. If parameter 'OUT_WAVE' in LOG observation is non-zero, routine use parameters linearisation from LOG, else use mean parameter linearisation (beginning wavelength and dispersion) calculated by file 'disper_par.fts'. Routine modified FITS-header of result CALLING SEQUENCE: LINERISATION, logfile, image_name CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) image_type = string scalar type exposure (values: 'obj','star','neon',,'test') OUTPUTS: Result saved to disk i working directory in file '*_lin.fts' OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Function DEF_WDIR,READ_FTS, OUT_WAVE Procedure SXADDPAR,SXADDHIST MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: MKHDR PURPOSE: Make a minimal primary FITS image header or a minimal FITS IMAGE extension header. If an array is supplied then the created FITS header will be appropiate to the supplied array. Otherwise, the user can specify the dimensions and datatype. CALLING SEQUENCE: MKHDR, header ;Prompt for image size and type or MKHDR, header, im, [ /IMAGE, /EXTEND ] or MKHDR, header, type, naxisx, [/IMAGE, /EXTEND ] OPTIONAL INPUTS: IM - If IM is a vector or array then the header will be made appropiate to the size and type of IM. IM does not have to be the actual data; it can be a dummy array of the same type and size as the data. Set IM = '' to create a dummy header with NAXIS = 0. TYPE - If more than 2 parameters are supplied, then the second parameter is intepreted as an integer giving the IDL datatype e.g. 1 - LOGICAL*1, 2 - INTEGER*2, 4 - REAL*4, 3 - INTEGER*4 NAXISX - Vector giving the size of each dimension (NAXIS1, NAXIS2, etc.). OUTPUT: HDR - image header, (string array) with required keywords BITPIX, NAXIS, NAXIS1, ... Further keywords can be added to the header with SXADDPAR. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: IMAGE = If set, then a minimal header for a FITS IMAGE extension is created. An IMAGE extension header is identical to a primary FITS header except the first keyword is 'XTENSION' = 'IMAGE' instead of 'SIMPLE ' = 'T' EXTEND = If set, then the keyword EXTEND is inserted into the file, with the value of "T" (true). RESTRICTIONS: (1) MKHDR should not be used to make an STSDAS header or a FITS ASCII or Binary Table header. Instead use SXHMAKE - to create a minimal STSDAS header FXHMAKE - to create a minimal FITS binary table header FTCREATE - to create a minimal FITS ASCII table header (2) Any data already in the header before calling MKHDR will be destroyed. EXAMPLE: Create a minimal FITS header, HDR, for a 30 x 40 x 50 INTEGER*2 array IDL> MKHDR, HDR, 2, [30,40,50] Alternatively, if the array already exists as an IDL variable, ARRAY, IDL> MKHDR, HDR, ARRAY PROCEDURES CALLED: SXADDPAR, GET_DATE REVISION HISTORY: Written November, 1988 W. Landsman May, 1990, Adapted for IDL Version 2.0, J. Isensee
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\MKHDR.PRO)
NAME: moment PURPOSE: (one line) Compute various statistical moments of the data. DESCRIPTION: This routine computes the average, average deviation, standard deviation, variance, skew and kurtosis of the input data. The various output quantities are always returned as floating point scalars. The statistics are compute with no regard for the dimensionality of the input data. CATEGORY: statistics CALLING SEQUENCE: moment_r,data,avg,avgdev,stddev,var,skew,kurt INPUTS: data - Input data to be analyzed. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: avg - Sample mean. avgdev - Average deviation of the data from the mean. stddev - Standard deviation of the data from the mean. var - Variance of the data from the mean. skew - Skewness, third statistical moment. kurt - Kurtosis, fourth statistical moment. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Standard techniques, see section 13.1 in Numerical Recipies. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 1992 Jan 20
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: OS_FAMILY PURPOSE: Return the current operating system as in !VERSION.OS_FAMILY CALLING SEQUENCE result = OS_FAMILY() INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: result - scalar string containing one of the four values 'Windows','MacOS','vms' or 'unix' NOTES: OS_FAMILY is assumed to be 'unix' if !VERSION.OS is not 'windows', 'MacOS' or 'vms' To make procedures from IDL V4.0 and later compatibile with earlier versions of IDL, replace calls to !VERSION.OS_FAMILY with OS_FAMILY(). PROCEDURES CALLED function tag_exists REVISION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\OS_FAMIL.PRO)
NAME: OUT_WAVE PURPOSE: read parameter of linerisation from LOG observation DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=OUT_WAVE(FILELOG) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) OUTPUTS: Result = 2 elements float point array contain beginning wavelength in A, dispersion in A/px and number elements in linearised spectra OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: SXPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: PAR_LINE PURPOSE: calculation parameter of line in nigth sky spectrum DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = PAR_LINE ( vector,param,FWHM,line) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS : vector input vector spectra param=[lambda_0,d_lambda] beginnig wavelength(A) end dispersion(A/px) FWHM previus value width lines in px line wavelength line in A OUTPUTS: Result =[flux,position(in px),FWHM(in px)] OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: ROBOMEAN MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: READFILE PURPOSE: read files with MPFS-images. Will also read zip compressed FTS-files DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result= READFILE ( rdir, filename, ext, head) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: rdir - string name input directory for reading filename - string name file withot extention ext - string name extention file for reading (value '.zip' or '.fts') if extention e.q. '.zip' routine unzippiped files OUTPUTS: Result = 2D ploat point array MPFS-image OPTIONAL OUTPUT: head - string array contain FITS-header image OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: READ_FTS, SPAWN MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: READFITS PURPOSE: Read a FITS file into IDL data and header variables. Will also read gzip compressed FITS files on Unix machines. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READFITS( Filename,[ Header, /NOSCALE, EXTEN_NO = , /SILENT , NaNVALUE = , STARTROW = , NUMROW = ] ) INPUTS: FILENAME = Scalar string containing the name of the FITS file (including extension) to be read. If the filename has a *.gz extension, it will be treated as a gzip compressed file. OUTPUTS: Result = FITS data array constructed from designated record. If the specified file was not found, then Result = -1 OPTIONAL OUTPUT: Header = String array containing the header from the FITS file. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: NOSCALE - If present and non-zero, then the ouput data will not be scaled using the optional BSCALE and BZERO keywords in the FITS header. Default is to scale. SILENT - Normally, READFITS will display the size the array at the terminal. The SILENT keyword will suppress this NaNVALUE - This scalar is only needed on VMS architectures. It specifies the value to translate any IEEE "not a number" values in the FITS data array. It is needed because the VMS does not recognize the "not a number" convention. EXTEN_NO - scalar integer specify the FITS extension to read. For example, specify EXTEN = 1 or /EXTEN to read the first FITS extension. Extensions are read using recursive calls to READFITS. POINT_LUN - Position (in bytes) in the FITS file at which to start reading. Useful if READFITS is called by another procedure which needs to directly read a FITS extension. Should always be a multiple of 2880. STARTROW - This keyword only applies when reading a FITS extension It specifies the row (scalar integer) of the extension table at which to begin reading. Useful when one does not want to read the entire table. NUMROW - This keyword only applies when reading a FITS extension. If specifies the number of rows (scalar integer) of the extension table to read. Useful when one does not want to read the entire table. EXAMPLE: Read a FITS file TEST.FITS into an IDL image array, IM and FITS header array, H. Do not scale the data with BSCALE and BZERO. IDL> im = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', h, /NOSCALE) If the file contain a FITS extension, it could be read with IDL> tab = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', htab, /EXTEN ) The function TBGET() can be used for further processing of a binary table, and FTGET for an ASCII table. To read only rows 100-149 of the FITS extension, IDL> tab = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', htab, /EXTEN, STARTR=100, NUMR = 50 ) To read in a file that has been compressed: IDL> tab = READFITS('test.fits.gz',h) ERROR HANDLING: If an error is encountered reading the FITS file, then (1) the system variable !ERROR is set (via the MESSAGE facility) (2) the error message is displayed (unless /SILENT is set), and the message is also stored in !ERR_STRING (3) READFITS returns with a value of -1 RESTRICTIONS: (1) Cannot handle random group FITS (2) Cannot read the heap area in a variable length binary table NOTES: The procedure FXREAD can be used as an alternative to READFITS. FXREAD has the option of reading a subsection of the primary FITS data. PROCEDURES USED: Functions: SXPAR(), WHERENAN() Procedures: IEEE_TO_HOST, SXADDPAR, FDECOMP MODIFICATION HISTORY: MODIFIED, Wayne Landsman October, 1991 Added call to TEMPORARY function to speed processing Feb-92 Added STARTROW and NUMROW keywords for FITS tables Jul-92 Work under "windows" R. Isaacman Jan-93 Check for SIMPLE keyword in first 8 characters Feb-93 Removed EOF function for DECNET access Aug-93 Work under "alpha" Sep-93 Null array processing fixed: quotes in a message properly nested, return added. Affected case when readfits called from another procedure. R.S.Hill Jul-94 Correct size of variable length binary tables W.Landsman Dec-94 To read in compressed files on Unix systems. J. Bloch Jan-95 Check that file is a multiple of 2880 bytes Aug-95 Added FINDFILE check for file existence K.Feggans Oct-95 Consistent Error Handling W. Landsman Nov-95 Handle gzip image extensions W. Landsman Apr-96 Fixed bug reading 1-d data introduced Apr-96 W. Landsman Jun-96
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\READFITS.PRO)
NAME: READ_FTS PURPOSE: Read a FITS file into IDL data and header variables. Will also read gzip compressed FITS files on Unix machines. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = READ_FTS( Filename,[ Header, /NOSCALE, EXTEN_NO = , /SILENT , NaNVALUE = , STARTROW = , NUMROW = ] ) INPUTS: FILENAME = Scalar string containing the name of the FITS file (including extension) to be read. If the filename has a *.gz extension, it will be treated as a gzip compressed file. OUTPUTS: Result = FITS data array constructed from designated record. If the specified file was not found, then Result = -1 OPTIONAL OUTPUT: Header = String array containing the header from the FITS file. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: NOSCALE - If present and non-zero, then the ouput data will not be scaled using the optional BSCALE and BZERO keywords in the FITS header. Default is to scale. SILENT - Normally, READFITS will display the size the array at the terminal. The SILENT keyword will suppress this NaNVALUE - This scalar is only needed on VMS architectures. It specifies the value to translate any IEEE "not a number" values in the FITS data array. It is needed because the VMS does not recognize the "not a number" convention. EXTEN_NO - scalar integer specify the FITS extension to read. For example, specify EXTEN = 1 or /EXTEN to read the first FITS extension. Extensions are read using recursive calls to READFITS. POINT_LUN - Position (in bytes) in the FITS file at which to start reading. Useful if READFITS is called by another procedure which needs to directly read a FITS extension. Should always be a multiple of 2880. STARTROW - This keyword only applies when reading a FITS extension It specifies the row (scalar integer) of the extension table at which to begin reading. Useful when one does not want to read the entire table. NUMROW - This keyword only applies when reading a FITS extension. If specifies the number of rows (scalar integer) of the extension table to read. Useful when one does not want to read the entire table. EXAMPLE: Read a FITS file TEST.FITS into an IDL image array, IM and FITS header array, H. Do not scale the data with BSCALE and BZERO. IDL> im = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', h, /NOSCALE) If the file contain a FITS extension, it could be read with IDL> tab = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', htab, /EXTEN ) The function TBGET() can be used for further processing of a binary table, and FTGET for an ASCII table. To read only rows 100-149 of the FITS extension, IDL> tab = READFITS( 'TEST.FITS', htab, /EXTEN, STARTR=100, NUMR = 50 ) To read in a file that has been compressed: IDL> tab = READFITS('test.fits.gz',h) ERROR HANDLING: If an error is encountered reading the FITS file, then (1) the system variable !ERROR is set (via the MESSAGE facility) (2) the error message is displayed (unless /SILENT is set), and the message is also stored in !ERR_STRING (3) READFITS returns with a value of -1 RESTRICTIONS: (1) Cannot handle random group FITS (2) Cannot read the heap area in a variable length binary table NOTES: The procedure FXREAD can be used as an alternative to READFITS. FXREAD has the option of reading a subsection of the primary FITS data. PROCEDURES USED: Functions: SXPAR(), WHERENAN() Procedures: IEEE_TO_HOST, SXADDPAR, FDECOMP MODIFICATION HISTORY: MODIFIED, Wayne Landsman October, 1991 Added call to TEMPORARY function to speed processing Feb-92 Added STARTROW and NUMROW keywords for FITS tables Jul-92 Work under "windows" R. Isaacman Jan-93 Check for SIMPLE keyword in first 8 characters Feb-93 Removed EOF function for DECNET access Aug-93 Work under "alpha" Sep-93 Null array processing fixed: quotes in a message properly nested, return added. Affected case when readfits called from another procedure. R.S.Hill Jul-94 Correct size of variable length binary tables W.Landsman Dec-94 To read in compressed files on Unix systems. J. Bloch Jan-95 Check that file is a multiple of 2880 bytes Aug-95 Added FINDFILE check for file existence K.Feggans Oct-95 Consistent Error Handling W. Landsman Nov-95 Handle gzip image extensions W. Landsman Apr-96 Fixed bug reading 1-d data introduced Apr-96 W. Landsman Jun-96 MODIFIED for MPFS FITS-format by Victor Afanasiev Jul-99
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: REDUCTION PURPOSE: bias substraction,replace bad pixels, remove cosmic hits and correction flexibility in set MPFS-image with different type DESCRIPTION: Routine make bias substraction,replace bad pixels, remove cosmic hits and correction flexibility in set MPFS-image with different type. image shiftted at differnt way for different value image_type: obj and neon-images shifted relatively 1-st image in both direction, flat-images shifted relatively reduced obj-image only in cross-dispersion direction, star,eta and test-images shifted relatively reduced flat-image in cross-dispersion direction. Routine modified FITS-header saved FITS-files CALLING SEQUENCE: REDUCTION, LOGFILE, image_type, SHIFT=shift CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) image_type = string array type of exposure (values: 'bias','obj','star', 'flat','eta','neon','test') OUTPUTS: Result saved at working directory in file '*_i.fts',where '*'=image_type OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: SHIFT if keyword preset image to be shiftted RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Function DEF_WDIR, DEF_RDIR, DEF_NAME, READFILE, READ_FTS, COSMETIC, DEF_SHIFT, SHIFT_IMAGE Procedure SXADDPAR, SXADDHIST, REM_HITS MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: REM_HITS PURPOSE: remove cosmic hits on exposure frames DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = REM_HITS ( obj_spp, NOSMOOTH=nosmooth) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS : obj_spp - set of analised images OUTPUTS: Result = total image cleaned at cosmic hits OPTIONAL OUTPUT: obj_spp - set of images cleaned at cosmic hits OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: NOSMOOTH if keyword present, data not smoothed along dispersion RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: ROBOMEAN MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: RFIX PURPOSE: Round X to its nearest integer. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = RFIX(X) INPUT: X = number, vector or array to be rounded. KEYWORDS: LONG = if set, it will round to a longword integer. OUTPUT: Result = nearest integer rounded version of X. SIDE EFFECTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Straightforward. Algorithm is faster than ASTROLIB NINT function. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Roberto Luis Molowny Horas, November 1991.
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: robomean PURPOSE: (one line) Robust statistical moments of the data. DESCRIPTION: This routine computes the average, average deviation, standard deviation, variance, skew and kurtosis of the input data. The various output quantities are always returned as floating point scalars. The statistics are computed with no regard for the dimensionality of the input data. The statistics are robust in that the data is searched for outliers after the moments are computed. If outliers are found they are removed and the statistics are computed again. This continues until either no outliers are found or if the removal of outliers has an insignificant effect on the statistics. CATEGORY: statistics CALLING SEQUENCE: robomean,data,thresh,eps,avg,avgdev,stddev,var,skew,kurt,nfinal INPUTS: data - Input data to be analyzed. thresh - Deviation from the mean to signify an outlier. eps - Smallest significant change in mean in units of std dev. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: STDMEAN : Optional return of standard deviation of the mean. OUTPUTS: avg - Sample mean. avgdev - Average deviation of the data from the mean. stddev - Standard deviation of the data from the mean. var - Variance of the data from the mean. skew - Skewness, third statistical moment. kurt - Kurtosis, fourth statistical moment. nfinal - Number of points used in the final result. new - Vector of 'clean' pixels (optional). COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Standard techniques, see section 13.1 in Numerical Recipies. The thresh and eps values are not tremendously important. Thresh=5.0 and eps=0.5 appear to work pretty well most of the time. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 1992 Jan 20. Fix - nfinal was not being returned to calling program. Doug Loucks, Lowell Observatory, 1992 Oct 22. Fix - Sense of test to determine additional refinement was not correct for some cases. Changed logic to parallel the C version, since the WHILE statement is now available in IDL. Mod - Added by Marc Buie: Argument 'new,' allowing the 'clean' pixels to be returned to the caller. Mod - 2/11/94, DWL, Added keyword STDMEAN to permit return of this value to the caller. Modified for MPFS-data by Victor Afanasiev, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: SCATTER PURPOSE: substraction scattering ligth DESCRIPTION: Routine estimate level scattering light outside of first and last traectory etalon spectra and substracted scattering light CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=SCATTER ( image, traectory_eta) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: image - input MPFS image traectory_tra - 2D array traectories etalon spectra OUTPUTS: Result = scattering ligth substracted image OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: GOODPOLY MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: SHIFT_IMAGE PURPOSE: Remap image by linear interpolation CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: In = shift_image(im,dx,dy) INPUTS: Im = Image to be shifted Dx = Shift in X-direction Dy = Shift in Y-direction KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: In COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Z. Yi, UiO, June, 1992. modified for MPFS-data by Victor Afanasiev, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: SHIFT_S PURPOSE: Remap spectrum by linear interpolation CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: In = shift_s ( Vector , dx ) INPUTS: Vector = Image to be shifted Dx = Shift in X-direction KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: In COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophisical observatory, July, 1999.
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: SHOW_3 PURPOSE: visualisation 3 images : obj_s.fts, obj_lin.fts, obj-sky.fts DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: SHOW_3, LOGFILE, PS=ps CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) OUTPUTS: no OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: PS - if keyword preset plot image print in POSTSCRIPT file in working directory (standard name RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Function - DEF_NAME, Procedure - SXPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: SPEXTR PURPOSE: extraction spectra in MPFS-image DESCRIPTION: CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SPEXTR ( image , traectory , fwhm ) CATEGORY: reduction MPFS-data INPUTS: image - input image (2D float point array) traectory - 2D array traectory spectra fwhm - width of the strobe OUTPUTS: Result =2D array spectra OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, Jul 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: STRN PURPOSE: The main and original purpose of this procedure is to convert a number to an unpadded string (i.e. with no blanks around it.) However, it has been expanded to be a multi-purpose formatting tool. You may specify a length for the output string; the returned string is either set to that length or padded to be that length. You may specify characters to be used in padding and which side to be padded. Finally, you may also specify a format for the number. NOTE that the input "number" need not be a number; it may be a string, or anything. It is converted to string. CALLING SEQEUNCE: tmp = STRN( number, [ LENGTH=, PADTYPE=, PADCHAR=, FORMAT = ] ) INPUT: NUMBER This is the input variable to be operated on. Traditionally, it was a number, but it may be any scalar type. OPTIONAL INPUT: LENGTH This KEYWORD specifies the length of the returned string. If the output would have been longer, it is truncated. If the output would have been shorter, it is padded to the right length. PADTYPE This KEYWORD specifies the type of padding to be used, if any. 0=Padded at End, 1=Padded at front, 2=Centered (pad front/end) IF not specified, PADTYPE=1 PADCHAR This KEYWORD specifies the character to be used when padding. The default is a space (' '). FORMAT This keyword allows the FORTRAN type formatting of the input number (e.g. '(f6.2)') OUTPUT: tmp The formatted string USEFUL EXAMPLES: print,'Used ',strn(stars),' stars.' ==> 'Used 22 stars.' print,'Attempted ',strn(ret,leng=6,padt=1,padch='0'),' retries.' ==> 'Attempted 000043 retries.' print,strn('M81 Star List',length=80,padtype=2) ==> an 80 character line with 'M81 Star List' centered. print,'Error: ',strn(err,format='(f15.2)') ==> 'Error: 3.24' or ==> 'Error: 323535.22' HISTORY: 03-JUL-90 Version 1 written by Eric W. Deutsch 10-JUL-90 Trimming and padding options added (E. Deutsch) 29-JUL-91 Changed to keywords and header spiffed up (E. Deutsch) Ma7 92 Work correctly for byte values (W. Landsman) 19-NOV-92 Added Patch to work around IDL 2.4.0 bug which caused an error when STRN('(123)') was encountered. (E. Deutsch)
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\STRN.PRO)
NAME: STRNUMBER PURPOSE: Function to determine if a string is a valid numeric value. CALLING SEQUENCE: result = strnumber( st, [val] ) INPUTS: st - any IDL scalar string OUTPUTS: 1 is returned as the function value if the string st has a valid numeric value, otherwise, 0 is returned. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: val - (optional) value of the string. real*8 WARNING: (1) In V2.2.2 there was a bug in the IDL ON_IOERROR procedure that will cause the following statement to hang up IDL IDL> print,'' + string( strnumber('xxx') ) This bug was fixed in V2.3.0 (2) In V2.3.2, an IDL bug is seen in the following statements IDL> st = 'E' IDL> q = strnumber(st) & print,st The variable 'st' gets modified to an empty string. This problem is related to the ambiguity of whether 'E' is a number or not (could be = 0.0E). This bug was fixed in V3.0.0 (3) STRNUMBER was modified in February 1993 to include a special test for empty or null strings, which now returns a 0 (not a number). Without this special test, it was found that a empty string (' ') could corrupt the stack. HISTORY: version 1 By D. Lindler Aug. 1987 test for empty string, W. Landsman February, 1993
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\STRNUMBE.PRO)
NAME: SUB_NSKY PURPOSE: substraction nigth sky spectrum in MPFS data CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SUB_NSKY, LOGFILE, image_name, [LINE='line'] INPUTS: LOGFILE = file name of LOG observation (in format FITS-header) image_name = string scalar type of exposure values '*'= 'obj' or 'star' or 'test' routine read in working directory coefficients dispersion curves (file 'disper.fts'), extracted linearised spectra object (file '*_lin.fts') and nigth sky probe (file '*_ns.fts) OUTPUTS: saved in file '*-sky.fts' OPTIONAL OUTPUT: no OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: LINE - use separate nigth sky line for determination accuracy sky substraction PLOT - on control plotting ERROR HANDLING: no RESTRICTIONS: no NOTES: no PROCEDURES USED: Functions: SPEXTR, PAR_LINE, LINEAR,READ_FTS Pricedure: SXADDPAR MODIFICATION HISTORY: MODIFIED by Victor Afanasiev, Special Astrophysical Observatory July, 1999
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\
NAME: SXADDHIST PURPOSE: Procedure to add history line(s) to a FITS or STSDAS header CALLING SEQUENCE sxaddhist, history, header, [ /PDU ] INPUTS: history - string or string array containing history line(s) to add to the header header - string array containing the FITS or STSDAS header KEYWORD INPUTS: /PDU - if specified, the history will be added to the primary data unit header, (before the line beginning BEGIN EXTENSION...) Otherwise, it will be added to the end of the header OUTPUTS: header - unpdated header EXAMPLES: sxaddhist, 'I DID THIS', header hist = strarr(3) hist(0) = 'history line number 1' hist(1) = 'the next history line' hist(2) = 'the last history line' sxaddhist, hist, header HISTORY: D. Lindler Feb. 87 April 90 Converted to new idl D. Lindler Put only a single space after HISTORY W. Landsman November 1992 Aug. 95 Added PDU keyword parameters
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\SXADDHIS.PRO)
NAME: SXADDPAR PURPOSE: Add or modify a parameter in a FITS or STSDAS header array. CALLING SEQUENCE: sxaddpar, Header, Name, Value, [ Comment, Location, BEFORE =, AFTER = , FORMAT= , /PDU] INPUTS: Header = String array containing FITS or STSDAS header. The length of each element must be 80 characters. If not defined, then SXADDPAR will create an empty FITS header array. Name = Name of parameter. If Name is already in the header the value and possibly comment fields are modified. Otherwise a new record is added to the header. If name = 'HISTORY' then the value will be added to the record without replacement. In this case the comment parameter is ignored. Value = Value for parameter. The value expression must be of the correct type, e.g. integer, floating or string. String values of 'T' or 'F' are considered logical values. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: Comment = String field. The '/' is added by this routine. Added starting in position 31. If not supplied, or set equal to '', then the previous comment field is retained (when found) Location = Keyword string name. The parameter will be placed before the location of this keyword. This parameter is identical to the BEFORE keyword and is kept only for consistency with earlier versions of SXADDPAR. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BEFORE = Keyword string name. The parameter will be placed before the location of this keyword. For example, if BEFORE='HISTORY' then the parameter will be placed before the first history location. This applies only when adding a new keyword; keywords already in the header are kept in the same position. AFTER = Same as BEFORE, but the parameter will be placed after the location of this keyword. This keyword takes precedence over BEFORE. FORMAT = Specifies FORTRAN-like format for parameter, e.g. "F7.3". A scalar string should be used. For complex numbers the format should be defined so that it can be applied separately to the real and imaginary parts. /PDU = specifies keyword is to be added to the primary data unit header. If it already exists, it's current value is updated in the current position and it is not moved. OUTPUTS: Header = updated FITS header array. RESTRICTIONS: Warning -- Parameters and names are not checked against valid FITS parameter names, values and types. MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, RSI, July, 1983. D. Lindler Oct. 86 Added longer string value capability Converted to NEWIDL D. Lindler April 90 Added Format keyword, J. Isensee, July, 1990 Added keywords BEFORE and AFTER. K. Venkatakrishna, May '92 Pad string values to at least 8 characters W. Landsman April 94 Aug 95: added /PDU option and changed routine to update last occurence of an existing keyword (the one SXPAR reads) instead of the first occurence.
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\SXADDPAR.PRO)
NAME: SXDELPAR PURPOSE: Procedure to delete a keyword parameter(s) from a FITS or STSDAS header CALLING SEQUENCE: sxdelpar, h, parname INPUTS: h - FITS or STSDAS header, string array parname - string or string array of keyword name(s) to delete OUTPUTS: h - updated FITS or STSDAS header, If all lines are deleted from the header, then h is returned with a value of 0 EXAMPLE: Delete the astrometry keywords CDn_n from a FITS header, h IDL> sxdelpar, h, ['CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2'] NOTES: (1) No message is returned if the keyword to be deleted is not found (2) All appearances of a keyword in the header will be deleted HISTORY: version 1 D. Lindler Feb. 1987 Converted to new IDL April 1990 by D. Lindler Test for case where all keywords are deleted W. Landsman Aug 1995
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\SXDELPAR.PRO)
NAME: SXPAR PURPOSE: Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS or STSDAS header CALLING SEQUENCE: result = SXPAR( Hdr, Name, [ Abort, COUNT=, COMMENT = ]) INPUTS: Hdr = FITS or STSDAS header array, (e.g. as returned by READFITS or SXOPEN) string array, each element should have a length of 80 characters Name = String name of the parameter to return. If Name is of the form 'keyword*' then an array is returned containing values of keywordN where N is an integer. The value of keywordN will be placed in RESULT(N-1). The data type of RESULT will be the type of the first valid match of keywordN found. OPTIONAL INPUTS: ABORT - string specifying that SXPAR should do a RETALL if a parameter is not found. ABORT should contain a string to be printed if the keyword parameter is not found. If not supplied SXPAR will return with a negative !err if a keyword is not found. OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: COUNT - Optional keyword to return a value equal to the number of parameters found by sxpar, integer scalar COMMENT - Array of comments associated with the returned values OUTPUTS: Function value = value of parameter in header. If parameter is double precision, floating, long or string, the result is of that type. Apostrophes are stripped from strings. If the parameter is logical, 1 is returned for T, and 0 is returned for F. If Name was of form 'keyword*' then a vector of values are returned. SIDE EFFECTS: !ERR is set to -1 if parameter not found, 0 for a scalar value returned. If a vector is returned it is set to the number of keyword matches found. If a keyword occurs more than once in a header, a warning is given, and the first occurence is used. EXAMPLES: Given a FITS header, h, return the values of all the NAXISi values into a vector. Then place the history records into a string vector. IDL> naxisi = sxpar( h ,'NAXIS*') ; Extract NAXISi value IDL> history = sxpar( h, 'HISTORY' ) ; Extract HISTORY records PROCEDURE: The first 8 chacters of each element of Hdr are searched for a match to Name. The value from the last 20 characters is returned. An error occurs if there is no parameter with the given name. If a numeric value has no decimal point it is returned as type LONG. If it contains more than 8 numerals, or contains the character 'D', then it is returned as type DOUBLE. Otherwise it is returned as type FLOAT MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, May, 1983, STPAR Written. D. Lindler Jan 90 added ABORT input parameter J. Isensee Jul,90 added COUNT keyword W. Thompson, Feb. 1992, added support for FITS complex values. W. Thompson, May 1992, corrected problem with HISTORY/COMMENT/blank keywords, and complex value error correction. W. Landsman, November 1994, fix case where NAME is an empty string W. Landsman, March 1995, Added COMMENT keyword, ability to read values longer than 20 character W. Landsman, July 1995, Removed /NOZERO from MAKE_ARRAY call
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\SXPAR.PRO)
NAME: WRITEFITS PURPOSE: Write an an IDL array into a disk FITS file. Works with all types of FITS files except random groups CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITEFITS, filename, data [, header, NaNvalue = , /APPEND] INPUTS: FILENAME = String containing the name of the file to be written. DATA = Image array to be written to FITS file. If DATA is undefined or a scalar, then only the FITS header (which must have NAXIS = 0) will be written to disk OPTIONAL INPUT: HEADER = String array containing the header for the FITS file. If variable HEADER is not given, the program will generate a minimal FITS header. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: NaNvalue - Value in the data array to be set to the IEEE NaN condition. This is the FITS representation of undefined values APPEND - If this keyword is set then the supplied header and data array are assumed to be an extension and are appended onto the end of an existing FITS file. Note that the primary header in the existing file must already have an EXTEND keyword to indicate the presence of an FITS extension. OUTPUTS: None RESTRICTIONS: (1) It recommended that BSCALE and BZERO not be used (or set equal to 1. and 0) with REAL*4 or REAL*8 data. (2) WRITEFITS will remove any group parameters from the FITS header EXAMPLE: Write a randomn 50 x 50 array as a FITS file creating a minimal header. IDL> im = randomn(seed, 50, 50) ;Create array IDL> writefits, 'test', im ;Write to a FITS file "test" PROCEDURES USED: CHECK_FITS, HOST_TO_IEEE, IS_IEEE_BIG(), SXDELPAR, SXADDPAR, SXPAR() MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN, Jim Wofford, January, 29 1989 MODIFIED, Wayne Landsman, added BITPIX = -32,-64 support for UNIX Use new BYTEODER keywords 22-Feb-92 Modify OPENW for V3.0.0 W. Landsman Dec 92 Work for "windows" R. Isaacman Jan 93 More checks for null data Mar 94 Work for Linux W. Landsman Sep 95 Added call to IS_IEEE_BIG() W. Landsman Apr 96
(See d:\rsi\idl40\mpfs.lib\WRITEFIT.PRO)